Welcome! In a break from Rock and Role, I’m going to talk about what’s on my desk right now. We always say we have some cool stuff in progress, but we never talk about it too much. Yesterday, Ben shared what’s been happening with Ingenium, so today I’m going to touch on a few other topics. This is what’s on Kevin’s Design Desk.
We had a Kickstarter last fall for getting the magic book back up and going. I had some personal issues that knocked me out of the loop a little for December and early January, but things are back to progressing on a pretty quick rate here. Two chapters have been completely edited, and we have more queued up to send to our staff editor assigned to this project. Things on the art-end are progressing extremely well and every few days, at least once a week, we’ve been getting art updates and feedback from Dennis Darmody about this project. All-in-all it’s shaping up to be a great book!
Sparta: Shadow War
This little gem sprang into existence pretty quickly while I was getting myself re-focused on Æthermancy. It’s a creation of the Random Setting Generator included in the Æther Core Book, and it’s been a lot of fun! Luckily, I have a better-than-average grasp of ancient history and mythology, and the Æthermancy editor has an excellent grasp on the classical age. I’ve stopped writing on this so I can focus on Æthermancy, but notes are still being made when I have the chance and inclination!
Wellstone City
We have a LOT of movement on the Wellstone City end of things! It’s been pretty quiet in our best-known setting, but we have some new authors on tap and we’re working with some new individuals on some projects…we’re freelancing the city of Freelancers. We have two modern adventures on deck from me, we have another on deck that is a collaboration (it keeps getting passed around…it’s a great adventure, and it’s being used as kind of a test between different authors), and there’s the Adventure Deck which is in development. We should have some pretty awesome things happening here.
Old Favorites
Camp Wicakini Five, two sequels to Djinn of the Deep, and a birthday adventure are also all in the works so we can be ready to launch for Halloween, Shark Week, and the first of September, respectively.
Everything Else
We’re talking with a ton of new talent for adventures and art, so we’re excited about that! It should be a great year for all three systems we support: Ingenium, Æther, and Savage Worlds! We’ve got a ton of business-end things that we’re getting put into place, including a better quality printer, color versions of all of our books, another Kickstarter, and some other things that we’ll announce as time comes!
Hit us up with some feedback, let us see which of these projects you’re most excited about!
The post Kevin’s Design Desk appeared first on Silver Gryphon Games.